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tv   [untitled]    November 29, 2012 1:00am-1:30am EST

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will. or did bills exceed one hundred billion dollars iraq for sale. or growth appears one on the cheap. if it's top job just joining the fight against president mohamed morsi with fans of thousands of egyptians now calling for the islamist leader to step down. hopes are high for palestine's bid for enhancement status international support for an upgrade gains momentum despite staunch resistance from israel and the u.s. . and germany's political opposition lashes out of the country's leaders for lying about the true cost of the greek rescue of the german parliament is set to vote on the latest package of a struggling new member. of
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the russian capital you're watching r t a marina joshie welcome to the program now in a further escalation of the crisis in egypt the country's top judiciary have gone on strike to protest president morsi is decree that greatly enlarged his power morse's move set off a nationwide wave a violent rallies with tens of thousands of egyptians calling for the islamist leader to stand down journalist bell true has the latest from cairo. and we've had to the choir is made to cool the country's major chords the constitutional court and the appeals court say they are going to strike of course the judges themselves are also still on a partial strike the journalists in the can't announce who for a strike to seeing really quite a lot of movement there for a major sectors within egypt society which the president is really going to have to do with as things escalate on the streets as well fish clashes continue between protesters and the police which started early last week police are firing excessive
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amounts of tear gas and bird shot at dozens of protesters who are still in the streets reporting from the scene my colleague tom barton has more here in the streets of central cairo the sights the sounds and the smells of protest and of civil disorder very loud and very clear tucker a square is just over there and a large crowd of protesters are doing stones at the police who are giving just as much back picking up stones themselves and firing back along with them as vans firing gas canisters into the crowds the stench of to gas is thick in the air the police are protest as everyone alike is has that eyes and nose is reassuring for militias tear gas has made itself cocktails trying through the air as well only pavements have been ripped up as have some of the branches of the trees it's a real street but these people absolutely determined the crowds of protesters that
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mohammed morsi was changing the way to make that declaration that he did once again so sweeping was last tuesday we will have to leave that mohamed morsi guy making democracy in this country but i start within five five months since or since come or since starting to run drugs or some treatment they start to use despair i'm directing all of the poems this country to be on this side a lot of these people here but i don't want to. or c.s. the president will not like crossing the border. just the first week i think this problem by having you keep the support of the wimps completely ever since you have to ration was that they was childish grab was. morsi says he's fresh powers will expire with the implementation of a new constitution under pressure from protest and sampling drafting the charter promised to complete work on thursday but there are fears that as long as
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dominating the pal will impose their agenda on the document further provoking street violence blogger and journalist while asking dar says there is a growing feeling that real democracy is a long way off the fact of the matter is that everything is going in the opposite direction of what the revolution is called for the constituent assembly itself is a reflection of how unwilling to share power the muslim brotherhood are and along with morsi. he says that he will get back powers as soon as the parliament is a is elected but he's not allowing the gyptian to share in writing the constitution so this to me seems like a false promise about giving back power because the one thing he can do is allow the dipshits to write their own constitution and share power and he's not doing that it's a judicial he have been a tool for the mubarak regime but if we come to think of it when people protested mubarak they were protesting police brutality and we see that morsi is giving promises to the police that they will act with impunity and does not want to bring
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anyone to justice for the crimes they've done. palestinians are anticipating an upcoming vote that could lead to the autonomy being granted statehood recognition international support for a mahmoud abbas bid to upgrade palestine from observer status to nonmember observer state is growing the spy vehement opposition from israel and the united states policy looks at what thursday's vote means for the rocky relations between tel aviv and the palestinian administration. palestinian president mahmoud abbas still has to present his case to the united nations but his supporters are already cheering a move that promises palestinians more legal clout on the international stage ever they decide to take any punitive measures and you know steps against the palestinians it seems to me that we will have available international community and other means at holding them accountable and trying to restrain such unbridled joy
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and illegal behavior but the applause hides the growing frustration on the palestinian street it was little more than a year ago that a bus but for full u.n. membership that failed young activists like mark office treated that things have not changed a lot of people just feel betrayed this is a free the feeling of that's that's been hurting us since. last march the main thing that we lost since also we had. to create people in forty years they were like in a way they were you know want people now twenty years after that almost twenty years after that. we have a lot of divisions within the society since the oslo agreement israeli settlement building has grown dramatically add to that the despair palestinians across the board feel in the peace process talks or stalled and there's been no direct negotiations for two years every coalition that has been in place since the peace
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process began twenty years ago has had with one fundamental rule which is build and expand more and more israeli settlements it's a view echoed among the political left in israel the israeli government led by a minute is not ready to pay the price of peace going to the. way they are doing it now not because they are so happy to the. but but because it is an outlet for doing to achieve something in the international arena which they could not achieve in the. lives netanyahu wants to start at the beginning renegotiating issues like settlements borders and jerusalem but the palestinians say these have already been discussed and he simply moving the process backwards and with israeli prime minister netanyahu widely slated to win january's elections more and more
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palestinians fear that despite the fanfare in new york variability on the ground in ramallah will not change anytime soon policy r.t. tel aviv washington for its part has been trying to persuade mahmoud abbas to drop a bit earlier we talked to him our president of the minaret of freedom institute who explained why it's so important for the u.s. that a palestinian state remains on recognized. in my view washington is simply reflecting the position of israel or washington as far as american interests are concerned there is no real american interest per se national interest that is served by denying the recognition of the palestinians however there is a domestic political issue and that is that many of the members of congress believe that in less they stand by israel in its opposition to the recognition of the palestinian state at this time that they themselves would lose their seats so this is a matter of a demand for domestic politics for the united states rather than
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a question of foreign policy. while u.s. support for israel and its disputes with palestine seems unflinching when it comes to other regional matters washington must learn to say no sense for a statesman zbigniew brzezinski. you're not going to be making decisions for. more on why he thinks america's friendships should be limited just ahead in the program. the latest greek rescue deal has been hailed as a breakthrough in brussels but now it's time for the agreement to pass through national parliaments in germany there's a growing chorus of frustration among lawmakers about the deal which is estimated to cost berlin hundreds of millions of euros there are reports the opposition members of the social democrat party. center right coalition that's the bundestag is not really a rubber stamping service and if they want to push through this latest package
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they're going to have to prove to m.p.'s that it's in the best interest of germany what this latest package contains is a bone buyback scheme which would lower outstanding bonds in private hands to thirty five cents on the euro though it would also you see lower interest rates only that greece has as well as the hunting over of profit from. what they see and truly means though is that for twenty thirteen germany is set to lose around seven hundred and thirty million euros due to implementing these latest measures all of that of course not making great reading for chancellor merkel she said time and time again that the german taxpayer would not be hit financially by germany giving help to greece now but they have to admit that that is going to happen and this is all happening on the basis that greece can pay some of it back by twenty sixteen where it should be back on its feet almost considering the
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current state. to the greek economy not to mystic statements that make the opposition i mentioned the social democrats they're saying that they need to. restructuring for greece will have to wait until after the general election takes place here so with the chancellor of the election starting to come into view on. being politically embarrassed by having to go back on a promise she's made it's all stone to be a very interesting debate when german politicians discuss the latest financial aid package for greece it all reporting there next hour max kaiser and state her work to expose bank looters damaging economies all the way from africa to. congo rebels around central banking goma they're looting the bank a un source said later another un source denied that there had been money in the bags insisting they were full of being a lot of the central banks are collateralized by beans that's similar to the bank
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of england mark carney is going to be arriving to the bank of england in a few short months and else find that in the vaults bags. and some of boris johnson's links but other than that there's nothing to collateralize his bank so yes of course you've got incredible similarities central banks are being looted the rebels whether they're in africa or in england. the motive is the same. and more news after a short break. a
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lovely quiet morning a family gently sleeps in district heights maryland when fifty armed f.b.i. agents storm the house and guns drawn despite the family pleading that they were unarmed the law enforcement agents opened fire on a weaponless teenager my asian huli thankfully sholay suffered minor flesh wounds but the key issue is that it remains unknown as to why the house was stormed so here in america for no reason guys in black uniform storm someone's house a loaded some rounds and left with no justification or explanation yes the family still doesn't know why this happened the f.b.i. is remaining silent you know i understand that there are some very bad individuals out there doing some very bad stuff at home but if you don't even really know whose house are storming or why you're storming it then maybe you should lay off the siege for a while you know what take a few minutes to think it over have a cup of coffee and maybe even do a little google search about the fourth amendment but that's just my opinion.
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well to the. technology innovation all the news developments from around russia we've got the future covered. the great russian warriors. prevailing over hazards and asperity.
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to reenact an epic parade through paris. can make complete. with people's admiration the two hundred. zero. more news today violence is once again flared up. these are the images go for it has been seeing from the streets of canada. operations are the day.
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hello welcome back you're watching r.t. live from moscow the syrian opposition based within the countries accusing turkey of allowing foreign mercenaries axis through its territory into syria to cause more violence the group also warned western and arab states advanced meddling in syria affairs by backing certain rebel factions turkey france britain and persian gulf monarchies have given their full endorsement for foreign base opposition coalition pledging them more support from abroad in their fight against the government as the international community remains divided aster how to and the syrian crisis a key regional player iran is looking to play a greater role in resolving the conflict artie's marie said off the records from tehran. the conflict in syria sees no end but iran a key regional power and indicated syria is continuing and intensifying its efforts for a peaceful resolution to shuttle diplomacy has been spent by the head of the iranian
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call him and ali larijani a very influential politician in iran known worldwide as a former chief negotiator for iran's nuclear program his recent stopover is have included meetings with president bashar al assad in syria hezbollah in lebanon and turkey is leader now he's in iraq iran's president mahmoud ahmadinejad those after his by discussing how to bring peace to syria with it is over egypt and turkey at a recent summit in pakistan and just to underline the diplomatic mission to find annoying violent and to the civil war on its doorstep dead on offer to host representatives from all sides of the fighting in syria at a closed door today gathering dubbed no to violence yes democracy took his request for an aide to missiles to be deployed on its border with syria through the scorn of iran's foreign ministry who said all that would do is aggravate tensions across the whole region then violence has actually already intensive. following the latest
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interventions from western and some arab diplomats when the syrian opposition formed the syrian national coalition as and see it quickly received recognition as legitimate voice of the people from the likes of britain and france which even back its conviction by confirming it would send one to help million dollars to get the new organization up and running the dividing line inside syria have been played out and told why do by the international community and its divided approach was no coordination the ordinary syrians caught up in the crossfire don't know where these ten apart from hyundai hail of shells and bullets were if national t.v. reporting from iran. while toronto's pursuing peace in syria is still facing us wrath of war on home soil over its nuclear program israel has long been threatening a military strike which towers say could call as early as january but in this case israel shouldn't count on u.s. support that's the view of one of america's most renowned statesman speaking of
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brzezinski who was speaking at a conference co-hosted by the national iranian american council. i don't think there is any implicit obligation of the united states to follow you know stupid. israelis do if they decide to start a war simply in the sunshine to magically be drawn into it i think it is the obligation of friendship to say well you're not going to be making decisions for. policy director for the national iranian american council told us the u.s. may find itself drawn into war with iran even against its wishes. whether the u.s. blindly backs israel or follows bibi netanyahu into a military conflict with iran i think that remains to be seen but i would say that the same policies that we've seen the pressure policies some of the lack of flexibility in being able to negotiate has been driven by the influence of
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hawkish pro israel lobbies in congress and here in washington and that. you know for the u.s. and frankly for israel that is not a policy that is. beneficial to their interests at the end of the day we're faced with either a diplomatic resolution to this standoff or we see the escalating pressure the escalating antagonism that cannot survive indefinitely that eventually is going to reach a tipping point and whether it's deliberate or it's accidental we're going to end up in a war while you know also catch up more news online including losing lives for the big screen. thousands. much anticipated film from the era of the hobbit activists claim not all the animals survived filming learn more. plants with some theory in the first line on the brink of an apocalypse one chinese
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man has decided to blow his entire life savings to construct a modern day noah's ark more in line at r.t. dot com. the defense team for u.s. soldier bradley manning who's accused of releasing secret army files to weaken leaks claims he was abused in detention attorney cabin's east believes manning started paying for his alleged crimes long before the trial. for nine months he was held at a marine base in quantico which i mention remey because manning is in the army says henri strange that this marine brig he was held in solitary confinement on a very restricted schedule he was not allowed to do exercise in his cell he was not allowed to lie down in a cell all day where to sit up without leaning back against the wall all day he got out one hour a day for exercise and so it was a very restrictive environment for no good reason and off the military says it's different tact him and the bradley manning feels like it and his in his lawyer feel
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like this was punishment for four crime which would violate the unity of the military code of justice so. there is a motion dismissed has been filed and that's what's being argued this week dismissed because of pretrial punishment. let's now take a look at some other stories from around the world in tunisia up to two hundred people have been injured in the second day of clashes between security forces and protesters after town thousand people gathered at the request of trade unions to demonstrate against a lack of job opportunities and poor government handling of the employment situation tunisia's economy has struggled since the revolution which ousted ex president ben ali's regime as a beginning of last year. birds of protesters have gathered outside a court of when to say who is to demand justice as the trials of so-called das live highlights are underway in argentina the pilots are among six to eight suspects tarred with murder and torture inside argentina's largest prison during the country's dictatorship in the seventy's and eighty's flights were apparently
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carried out by the military taking political prisoners and reportedly drugging them and throwing them alive. as top commanders in north africa has urged the people of mali to reject foreign intervention as a way of solving the country's conflict u.n. secretary general ban ki moon is bad in african union proposals for a military operation the plans would see more than three thousand troops and to the embattled region various groups some with links to al qaida have been fighting for control in north of mali for the past eight months after the army overthrew the government. and coming up after a short break it's breaking the sense here on r.t. . it's perched atop
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a joy. and the view from the kremlin stretches you. can see. all of siberia for centuries. it lost its economic importance even before it was bypassed by the chance i bear in railway but the ball's cremains a spiritual center. things like these are a yearly occurrence thousands of orthodox worshippers did themselves and blessid water to commemorate the baptismal jesus. when you pull up on board the it doesn't matter if it's minus thirty it's a siberian tradition i do it myself every year for everyone to overcome their worst fears it is desirable to take the plunge. but that's picture postcard church is
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the story of a city built by opportunist explorers political exiles and crafty fur traders. in the fifteen eighties the russians had only just conquered siberia taking it from the muslims. surrounded by enemies to ball supposed to be their stronghold constructed on top of the city but soon enough it became an economic hub siberian for the oil of its time bringing in a third of all russia's state revenue but the location head of the says for the russians are. to moscow as one of the most popular places to send political dissent is not any people were exiled that once a giant bell that was used to incite riots was supposed to set a three hundred ten. the russian heiress the crowds who led a revolt against the eight hundred twenty five known as the decembrists worse than hair and drove. there they created a replica high society adopting the latest fashions as soon as they came out or at
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least once they made it from paris to siberia. but the city also served up some bitter irony for the russian royal family after the bolshevik revolution. this is the office was nicholas the second spend most of the last year of his life his whole family had been exiled here they lead a fairly comfortable existence this was a big house but they weren't allowed to see visitors or go outside themselves leaving this ordinary normal countryside lifestyle they even had thoughts of escape but within the year bizarre and his family would be dead. never again its political significance but the streets will always go with glories paulist. will likely provide the livelihood for some habitants in the future.
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here is mitt romney trying to figure out the name of that thing that we americans call. i don't know. i'm sorry i'm just a guy who cares an awful lot about my country. are at school you know what does my . want to feature the olympics and the first. kids usually go to the. play without guys i'm having mine so yesterday i mention that the international
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action monitors from the u.n. watchdog group organization for security and cooperation in europe will be sending forty four delegations to monitor polling disputes during the upcoming november elections i mention the outcry by a number of the. it figures i wasn't expecting this texas attorney general greg abbott tweeted the following he said my message to you and related poll watchers don't mess with texas elections and he's dead serious abbott has made a clear warning that any such observers in texas may face arrest now oh as c.e. observers replied in a statement yesterday saying that the threat of criminal sanctions against observers is unacceptable and indeed it is unacceptable maybe if the voting rights record in texas wasn't one tainted with a long history of attempts to disenfranchise voters mr abbott wouldn't have a problem with these observers our government goes to great lengths to ensure free and fair elections in other countries so there's no reason why we shouldn't allow the rest of the world to watch ours but if we did i guess that might expose the
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millions that are disenfranchised the rigging the voting machines are flawed electoral college and the entire sham that is the us electoral system and that's why i'm breaking the set. one year ago today a police state reared its ugly head and my city of oakland california less than a month after the occupy oakland encampments began the oakland p.d. aggressively raided them without warning brutalizing and arresting dozens of occupiers now as terrifying as it was the thing that gave me the most hope was seeing how the community reacted thousands of all oakland residents peacefully marched in the streets to protest the aggression from the oakland p.d. check this out.


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